Make Money!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Google and Advertisers suspended me! =(

Honestly, I don't why this happened.

They told me that I got involve with invalid clicks and stuff,
how can we tell? I only post my work on my blog and try to
find ways of earning over the internet, then suddenly after
sacrificing space on my blog they decided to suspend my
account and accuse me of something I didn't do and don't
know about. I promote my blog almost anywhere, I used a
lot of money promoting my blog in our area via printing
stickers that has the message "Barya lang po sa umaga"
then giving it to jeepney and tricycle drivers with my URL
included on those stickers.

I promote almost anywhere over the net, everywhere I am
allowed to do so. In our school, in my religious and other
social communities which I am a member, even outside my
house, now I'm suspended. I've been working so hard,
thinking of ideas, typing overnight in front of the high
radiation monitor, and this is what I get in return? Well if
this is their system, we all should stop this internet
advertising stuff, or increase security of their ads, have a
new and better policy, change their way of putting ads,
or again, just stop this crap! I'm really sad of what happened,
I hope they can find ways to help me...

I'm innocent! And only God knows the truth!

I'll quit blogging in Google if they don't reactivate my account!